Single: Tom Grennan - Boys Don't Cry
16 maart 2025, 18:11 | Jeroen

Op 1 augustus brengt Tom Grennan zijn vierde album Everywhere I Went Led Me To Where I Didn’t Want To Be uit. Deze week verscheen de derde single van het album: Boys Don’t Cry. Met de track roept de Britse singer-songwriter mannen op om over hun emoties te praten.
Tom: In a lot of towns, especially where I come from, there is still this stigma around emotion. Boys Don’t Cry is the tonic to the negative man up usage, a term used by us lads who find it hard to deal with other vulnerability and in fact our own. It is the song that helped me go, do you know what? I’m comfortable with being able to cry and process emotions. It’s a difficult situation being a lad around people when they get emotional, or being emotional yourself and talking about it. So let’s have that conversation.